Sunday, December 21, 2008

Are you still computer and internet illiterate?
If you are among those who say yes to this question. Well, i cannot blame
you because i was like you before when i cannot differentiate between a
mouse and a keyboard.

It is not too late, i just want you to realise that we are no more in a stone
age, you better catch up with the information age. This will take you to the
atmosphere of information technology.

Although, the developing countries are really lacking behind in terms of
information technology but we are making a gradual movement, very soon,
we shall be among the Europeans and the Americans.

My friend, wake up today, and register yourself for computer training and in the
process of your training, find time to be attending cybercafe. Their engineers are there
for you, let them mock you, ask them what you do not know and within
three months you are through. This will be based on your seriousness and

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